About Us

The Society was formed in March 2007 in response to an upsurge of interest in the history of Molesey following two events in 2006. 

The first was the the reprint arranged by Molesey Residents Association of ‘The Book of Molesey’ by Rowland G. M. Baker, originally published in 1986.  The book sold out in a matter of months and a second reprint has since been published.  ‘Thameside Molesey’ by Rowland and Gwendoline Baker has also been reprinted. They are an essential starting point for anyone with an interest in the fascinating history of Molesey. 

The second event was an exhibition of the history of Molesey in the last 150 years held at St Paul’s Church, East Molesey, in October/November 2006 to mark the 150th anniversary of the church.  During the two weeks that it was open the exhibition attracted almost 3,500 visitors.


The Society’s objectives are:

  • To awaken and foster an informed interest in the history of Molesey and surrounding areas
  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information on the history of Molesey
  • To encourage and undertake research into the history of Molesey and to record and publish findings from such research
  • To arrange meetings and lectures on subjects related to the history of Molesey and to arrange visits to places of historical, literary, archaeological or architectural interest
  • To collaborate with and support any other organisation which has similar interests to those mentioned above.


The activities of the Society are coordinated by a Committee of up to nine people, all of whom are volunteers. The Committee currently comprises:

  • Jenny Wood – Chairman
  • Paula Day – Secretary
  • Dave Jupp – Treasurer
  • vacant – Membership Secretary
  • Claire Annable
  • Lynda McCarter
  • Anthony Barnes – People & Buildings
  • Norma Millard
  • Roger Hoad


9 Replies to “About Us”

  1. Hello we are researching the life of our grandmother, Alice Edwards, who died in Clements House, East Molesey in 1937. Does anyone have any recollection or information about St Clements House, East Molesey? We believe it was a Church of England nursing home or Nunnery, maybe a charitable institition? We can find no mention of it on the internet. Many thanks in advance.
    Kay and Alison

  2. My Grandparents Edward and Edith Wallis owned the grocery store in East Molesey in the 1930 s could be later would love to hear some info about them and my family !

  3. I am in the middle of a lengthy project to write my biography for the interest of the younger generations below me. However, I have run into an obstacle. In 1965, before I left the country, I used to regularly attend and dance to “traditional” jazz band performances in the Thames Hotel, Hampton Court. I returned on vacation in 1971 and revisited to find performances still going on with the same people there dancing. Now after spending two days searching the internet (including the British Newspaper Archive) I can find no references to the Thames Hotel other than in Jazz newsletters from the period. I wonder if any of your members know what happened to the establishment? I would dearly love a photograph and some history to show my descendants. Although I have now passed 80 and live in Texas, I hope to revisit the area in the next couple of years to recharge my memories. Thank you for your help.

    1. Dear Chris,
      Thanks for your email. I will send you separately a copy of a page from our ‘Molesey Then and Now’ book about Tagg’s Thames Hotel, which gives information about the property. As mentioned on this page, the property became known as ‘The Streets of London’ in 1981. In 1985, permission was granted for the change of use of part of the public house to a fast food pizza takeaway shop and I believe that this remained the use of the property until the early 2000s, when permission was granted for the change of use and alteration/extension to existing building to form 11 flats with bar/restaurant use on ground floor and basement and parking.
      Hope that this helps.

  4. Hi there, I just wondered if you can help me, I am doing some family history research, and just wondered if you knew the whereabouts or have any information about Osbourne House, East Molesey ? I know it was owned by John Henry Kearns a very successful manufacturer of stationary , who died in that house from TB in 1881. He must have been successful as he left a personal estate of £5,809 8s ! Just wondered where it was, if it is still standing ?
    thanks Alice Baker

    1. We are looking into this Alice.
      The house name is not instantly recognisable but from the census it would seem it is in either Palace Road or Wolsey Road, East Molesey. Both roads have a number of older, very large houses still in use. Some of these have been converted into flats, so the building may still exist under a different name.
      If one of my colleagues do not recognise the name I will take a walk along both roads and see if the site can be identified utilising other census house names,

      1. David, are you any relation to Kenny Jupp?
        My name is Terry Baker and used to live in Beauchamp rd.
        A group of us were always out together around 1950-1960.
        Names i can remember,Brian Ely,Eddy Carter,John Skilton,Micky Hyland,Peter Stenning,we would all be i our eighties now.
        Would be nice to get in touch.

    2. Osborne House is now 33 Wolsey Road. In 1884 the following ad appeared in The Morning Post: “To be LET, Furnished, for August and September or longer, OSBORNE HOUSE, East Molesey, containing three reception-rooms, seven bed, and one small dressing room, bathroom, and good offices; tennis lawn, and flower-garden; stabling and coach-house for one horse; 10 guineas per week; five minutes’ walk from Hampton-court station.”

    3. Hi Alice
      I just put a postcard on ebay addressed to the reverend EG Hensley Osbourne House East Molesey Surrey it was sent 25/9/1925.

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