8 Replies to “Welcome to the Discussion”

  1. Hi, I’m wondering if there is any information or knowledge of “Thomas View House, East Mousey”. My GG Grandfather died there in 1895 and I’m trying to determine if it was a private home or perhaps a private hospital etc. I have no address other than what is listed. Many thanks for any comments. I live in Australia 🙂

  2. Elmbridge Council did promise to replace the blue lamp when the Molesey Police Station was converted to flats. They’ve not done so. I sent them the following but was told it wasn’t their problem.

    “Grandad was special. He and his brother grew up in the worst London slums – in Hoxton. His mother died when he was about eight and his father remarried. The new wife didn’t want the boys who were thrown out onto the streets. Grandad found a job in a shop and was allowed to sleep under the counter. When he broke his leg the shop owner had no further use for him and he was thrown back out onto the streets. As he was dragging himself (with the broken leg) about the back streets of London a passing, as he said “Toff”, driving past picked him up and took him to a hospital and paid for his leg to be set. By then he would have been about fourteen. He reasoned that what he needed in life was: a roof over his head, three meals a day and clothing. THE ARMY! He told the army recruitment office that he was sixteen and was sent to fight in the Boer War. After that war he returned to his beloved(!) London and joined the Metropolitan Police. (He was only 5ft. 11.5 inches so wasn’t right for his first love, The City Police.) He worked his way up and became Station Sergeant at Thames Ditton but was frequently at the East Molesey police station. All his three children had classical music lessons. His two daughters and one son were well educated and well supported – even after they married. When his wife died he came to live in Molesey with his married daughter. During the war he turned his daughter’s large garden here into an allotment and kept us all in fruit and vegetables throughout the war. (He didn’t learn THAT in Hoxton.) At one stage he famously led a group of his police to raid an illegal gaming party which was regularly held in the private house of one of the big-wigs living in Molesey. Unfortunately the big-wig had chums in Scotland Yard and grandad was called up to their office and told that if “you ever did that again you would lose your job AND your pension”. I loved him very much and am so sorry that he is unknown – not so much from what he did but from what he became in spite of his origins.

    As a child I spent a lot of time in Molesey Police Station because when he was on child-minding duty (frequently) he would take me there and after that, on the way to Thames Ditton, he would drive me through the water splash at great speed because he knew it would tickle me to death. He would often take me to the library here in Bell Road and find books for me that would make me think and understand. Great man! He’s buried in Molesey in St. Peter’s Churchyard. He would often take me there to tend his wife’s grave and the graves of young servicemen buried there.”

  3. Hi
    I was wondering if anybody knew if 62 Summer Road East Molesey was anything apart from a private residence at any time, as my great great grandfather, David Barsby, was living there for a short time and at the time of his death in 1932.
    Sharon Polwart

    1. Although this house is different from the others on this side of the road, being detached, as opposed to semi, I have never known it other than a domestic house.
      Part of number 69 across the road was an Off-Licence/ General store when I was a kid.
      We will seek comment from a member we know possibly lived in the road around this time to double check and post if there is more info.

      1. Thanks for your reply. I have just discovered that David Barsby was staying with his grandson at number 62 Summer Road, so it must have been just a private house.
        Thanks for your interest.

  4. Hi,
    my family and I have lived in 30 Hurst Road for nearly 20 years. I understand that our current property was build in 1948 after the previous properties at 30 and 28 Hurst Road were damaged by a bomb in WWII.

    I was wondering if there was any information about the bombing incident or if there were any photographs of the previous properties before the incident and of the damaged caused?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Des
      Thank you for your question .
      It has been past to me to answer.
      In the early hours of the 8th of August 1944 a Doodlebug (V1 flying bomb) landed without warning in the back garden of 54 Pemberton Rd . Demolishing houses in Pemberton and damaging many others .
      Many local people including ARP Wardens, Police, firemen and some USA army personnel who were stationed in Bushy Park came to help.
      Three people lost their lives. One was my Grandmother Dorothy Clark, and her neighbour Dorothy Pratt and her friend Doris Baldwin .

      This is my fathers account of that morning

      After over 8 hours of being buried in the remains of the house both my father and grandfather were pulled out alive with cuts and bruises and loss of hearing.
      My Grandmother suffered a broken neck.
      Mrs Pratt and her friend Mrs Baldwin were in the Anderson shelter and took the direct hit of the bomb.
      My father Norman was only wearing pyjamas just ran away from the site and kept on running. After an hour or so he was taken to Molesey Hospital .
      He was discharged and told to go home but he did not have a home to go too .
      Unfortunately they lost everything so we don’t have any photos of the houses before ..
      Hope this is the answer is of use
      Norma Millard .

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